Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Gloves & Deadlines

The deadline has been extended! Due to some promised donations still arriving, I'm going to extend the deadline to May 1st to allow for the possibility of sending a surplus to the clinic. (Plus, I still have a babysitting job this week.) I'll send a check that day if I've surpassed my goal.

Because of these donors, our ugly little bear was gifted some rad Spiderman gloves* this week:
Christine D
Emily R (again!)

I really can't thank you guys enough.

*in other words, if I had used the thermometer method of fundraising tracking, it would be filled 86% of the way

New total: $707.98
Amount left to reach goal: $103.45

And as always, I find it important to recognize those donors who have helped me thus far:

Kathleen S
Chester L
Marie D
Marisa H
Emily R
Emily L
Harold B

Remember: any extra money will go in a check to Pro-PAPA Missions.

To donate, you can:
1. Send a check to me:

137 W 116th St, Apt 6
New York, NY 10026


2. Click on this link (PayPal keeps 3%)

Thanks for your support!