When I have to face a situation that me cuesta mucho, I try to make it funny just to ease the tension. So, on my last day here at base, I want to dedicate this poem to all of the fun and dynamic people I've met along the way here in Costa Rica. Thanks for everything, chicos. I will miss you.
It’s impossible to despedir
to you all and to this place
without a long poem of bromas about
such a crazy, dramatic base.
Enough happens here
to create a few reality shows;
bastante dynamic personalities
among all gringos y ticos.
When I make my way up,
into the office each day,
I wonder what chismas I’ll hear
en la area de café.
Maybe there’s a new pareja at CRROBS,
or the van broke down again?
Perhaps King attacked a porcupine,
or even an escaped chicken?
Funny situations and randomness
can keep us talking all week:
the broken gate, the missing dishes,
“no hay luz,” our roof with a leak,
nights of cold and barking dogs,
the secret guerras for the eggs,
lines for washing machines, no internet,
and bites all over our legs.
New fears appear and reappear
in day-to-day rainforest lives:
mice, spiders, attack dogs, steep hills,
and, of course, the impending mudslides.
There are Sylvestre’s sneaky moves,
the office’s invasion by colibris,
Bandido’s funny walk, King’s bad smell,
and Tejas’ role as the village tease.
But it’s the people who make this life
so interesting and fun;
like Joe’s and Laura’s inability
to hold back on some cheesy pun.
Like Esther’s love for animals
or Debbie’s love to save the trees.
Like Shawn’s love for the gym (and himself),
or Orlando’s love to tease.
It’s Katie’s understanding
of our ridiculous requests;
It’s Kelly’s and Mariana’s favors
because of their large chests.
It’s Carola’s, Lisa’s and Keltie's
endless ability to be silly,
but it’s their petite size, too,
that makes them the most chilly.
I’m going to miss Esteban, too,
with his dimples and big smile.
Dunia's energy and funny English
make up for email replies that take a while.
It’s also the phrases I hear around me at base,
like the affirmative “cool mon” from Jim,
or Larry’s daily “hola perros!”,
and my morning “Hola guapa!” from Carmen.
There’s Danny’s loud-ass car,
the constant compliments to Maggie’s arms;
Antonio’s startling “Ahs!”,
and Donna’s southern charms.
Stevie’s sweet and innocent nature
contrasts Emma’s tough attitude,
while Kathleen’s gift for baking
contrasted Tom’s old, moldy food.
Scott is the one to ask
if you need something made or bought,
and Greg was the one to ask
if you needed surf or Spanish taught.
In the end, it’s all a joke –
Some kind of variety show;
and I sure am gonna miss it,
but that’s just how things go.
At least my roommates can look forward
to no dirty dishes piling up,
or no baskets of laundry at the machines,
and no loud laugh to interrupt.
So in order to sum it all up finally
and say one last thing en mi voz:
I’m going to miss you all;
Buena suerte y adios.
Hey Elizabeth --
ReplyDeleteCan't say I've ever heard someone capture the zaniness of CRROBS better.
Makes me miss it honestly:)